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The Full Story

A shortcut to thrive instead of survive!​Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your responsibilities? People that rely on you and are waiting for you to deliver; your work, your family, and last but not least... yourself!?  ​ Are you an organizer, a fixer, or the go-to person when someone needs help? Are you the person that stands there in the storm and thinks you need to solve everything, like a sturdy rock for your children, friends, and colleagues?  ​ ​I was that person. Until it got too much. The question is, what do you do then? How do you press pause, take back control, and start thinking of yourself again?​We all know we can´t pour from an empty cup, but how come we still expect ourselves to deliver even when we forget to fill the cup?​As a mum of two children with additional needs, married to an entrepreneur, and working full time at the management level leading other people, I have found keys and strategies that I would love to share with you.     We get to create a healthy balance between being there for both ourselves and others. I have learned the hard way what not to do, and what to do instead. No one can do the work for you, but together and with guidance along the way, the journey gets easier. I have now been able to take back my life and create a better and new sustainable one, where I can live my life to my fullest and be all that I am meant to be, but without burning myself and my candle at both ends. ​It's simply a shortcut to how to thrive instead of survive!  Be brave, bright, and beautiful! ​ ​ Blessings, Ulrika  

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Our mission is to serve mums to thrive instead of survive, through the power of God's word, movement, and self-care in the middle of the mundane and the messy. 


Our vision is to transform families & create thriving relationships to live their best life!

Mor och dotter Yoga

"Don't let anyone talk you out of your miracle"

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