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Meditation & Writers Retreat
lör 15 feb.
|The Riverbranch
Always wanted to write a book? Join us for this special event where we remove blocks that stops us to get started on our dream! Write out your first outline and set a plan for next step! The Riverbranch anordnar yoga och wellness retreats & workshops på kristen grund.

Tid och plats
15 feb. 2025 10:00 – 12:00 CET
The Riverbranch, Vallentuna
Om evenemanget
Meditation & Writers retreat
-finn stillhet och harmoni
-stärk din identitet
-andrum för kropp och själ
- verktyg för att nå ditt mål
’How to get clear, remove blocks, and write the first outline to your book or song in 1 day’
45 minuterTraffic Stop Meditation Challenge
45 minuterTraffic Stop Meditation
Ytterligare 6 objekt tillgängliga
Meditation & Writers Retreat
Remove your blocks, get clarity and write your first outline in one day!
850,00 kr+21,25 kr serviceavgift
0,00 kr
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